Suicide Squad Spoiler Free Review

suicide-squad-movies-wide.jpgThis is one of those movie that is bound to attract hate due to all the hype and anticipation that it is hard to make a fair review that it deserved. I watched it last week and i love it. Unlike Batman vs Superman where I have my internal struggle to decide whether or not it is likable,this movie is good. Could it be better, hell yeah but at least I came home feeling satisfied unlike its predecessor.

Advertised as a movie about bad people forced to do good things in a bad way that good guys cant for the greater good, it does not quite deliver on that front. Most of the stuff the squad do, is not that morally wrong. The point of suicide squad is to make a team of convict that will do despicable things that normal hero would not do,even for a good cause.

Some of the member’s origin are simplified or changed and some are true to the materials and I’m okay with it but their origin story felt rushed and it would confuse the newer fans. This is unavoidable, I understand. Often in comics, a character will appear on an issue yet its origin will come much later and that’s what I hope to happen here perhaps on a standalone movie?

The editing is slightly sloppy and it felt like 2 different movie crammed into one. Like the usual grim DC movie with some sprinkle of ‘fun’ edited in odd places, and their idea of fun is using loud song as background music. It felt wrong and cringy. Alas, i wont call them out for that, at least they are trying out something we fans have been saying since so long. why sooo seriousss.

The story’s pace is fast all the time, and I like it. As for the stories, it fells under the classic god dilemma. They build a godlike villain and then they didn’t do the villain justice on how to defeat it.

As for the character, I like Will Smith (Deadshot) and Margo Robbie (Harley Quinn) played their character perfectly. Viola Davis (Amanda waller) captured Amanda cold and ruthless demeanor. I hate joker. From the freaking ‘damaged’ tattoo on his forehead to his wanna be Jim Carrey laugh. It’s just doesn’t work for me and his line is so bad and cringworthy. I do hope he will get better lines in the future Afflect’s Batman.

Go watch it,it is good.It is not as good as hyped but it is good nonetheless regardless of its bad review on rotten tomatoes

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